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We provide an independent view on the value of a business. Typically, these projects are often undertaken for different reasons:

  • exit planning
  • M&A transactions
  • investment valuations
  • corporate restructurings
  • fairness opinions

We develop a thorough understanding of the business to build a detailed picture of its underlying drivers of value. We use this knowledge to guide our valuation modelling in the context of the available market evidence.

We use a basket of commonly accepted valuation methodologies, such as market multiples and discounted cash flows (DCF), and triangulate the results to ensure we produce a highly robust valuation that is underpinned by market data points and stands up to external scrutiny.

Our expertise spans a wide range of contexts and industries including, amongst others, advanced manufacturing, technology, industrial and business services.

For more information call 0845 544 0500 to speak to Mark Wilson


Specialist corporate finance advisor for private companies

We advise on valuations, company sales and acquisitions, management buy-outs and raising private equity, growth and debt capital.

Call 0845 544 0500 to discuss how we could help you.

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